How to Keep your Sanity When Writing for too Cheap

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

So I made a little over 19 bucks today, and I'm exhausted. The last piece I submitted this afternoon before breaking to make dinner seemed way more valuable than the eight bucks I got paid to write it. I don't mind selling content about mundane subjects like shipping methods or eyelash extensions. But that last post was about a subject I was actually interested in--writing guest blog posts. Now my baby will be out there in cyberspace with somebody else's name on it. It's been adopted by a less capable parent who won't fully appreciate it...Can you tell it's been a long day?

Gaining Experience

I'm not complaining, though- I'm thankful to be able to work from home, and I'm looking at this as a learning experience. I am using the feedback I am getting, both positive and negative, to help me grow as a writer.

Much Needed Break

I was feeling a little depressed holed up in my room a lot of the day writing, but then I walked into my bright and sunny kitchen, surrounded by my children who eagerly placed their burrito orders. The background music was my own custom Pandora station that has almost completely figured out my taste, which lately is "traditional country hymns" with a side of Elvis. I glanced over at my desk and noticed a few forgotten cans of Starbucks Double Shot Espresso that never made it to the fridge. Score! I thought I was out.

Did you catch what the key ingredients are to keeping your sanity while writing for cheap? My sanity break included sunlight, food, time with my family, coffee, and music. And I sing along. Loudly. No, I don't care that that wasn't a complete sentence because I'm on a break right now.

Yes, writing whatever I want is a much-needed break. As a bonus, one of my favorite songs is playing: "Farther along we'll know all about it. Farther along, we'll understand why...We'll understand it all by and by."


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