Making Time For Work As a Stay at Home Mom

For the last couple of weeks, I've been writing off and on throughout the day, but I really want to start limiting my content mill work to early mornings when the kids are still in bed. While I'm writing those content mill articles, I tend to feel agitated when interrupted. For one thing, the subjects I've had to write about lately aren't that fun. For another, I find myself checking the time while I do them and then working as fast as I can to prove I'm getting a decent hourly rate.

Staying Present

Most of my day is dedicated to quality time with my family, and of course, housework. That said, I don't mind doing a little bit of light work on the computer when I'm in the same room as my kids--like writing this blog post. Because right now, I'm present. I'm sitting in the living room with my four youngest children. I know that the bathtub is filling up for the first of three baths that need to happen tonight. I know that my teenage daughter is crocheting a blanket and updating me on her progress after each row. I'm taking part in their conversations. Maybe if I get a better paying gig writing about more interesting topics, I'll be able to write my paid articles at this same relaxed pace.

I'm learning that there are two different work modes:

1. Staying Present While Doing Enjoyable Work

2. Going into Isolation For More Unpleasant Tasks

When I tell myself that I'm going to stay present and that there isn't any time limit, I'm able to relax while accomplishing at least a little bit of work. There will be time later for more difficult projects--like early in the morning or some afternoon when my husband is home and ready to "clock on" with the kids.

One of these days, I'll go into my office and see how much money I can really make in a four-hour stint of researching and writing about mundane topics, but for now, I'm happy to be working on my own blog while spending time with my kids.

Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash


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